Recitation of Kāvya Meters by Dr. H. V. Nagaraja Rao (ORI, Mysore), with anecdotes about Appayyadīkṣita
Complete recording (24 mb)
Texts for the first selections (not fully checked)
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 1 in śārdūlavikrīḍita (250-500 kb each)
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 2 in śikhariṇī
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 3 in sragdharā
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 4 in śloka
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 5 in śikhariṇī
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 6 in śikhariṇī
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 7 in śārdūlavikrīḍita
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 14 in drutavilambita
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 19 in mālinī
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 32 in āryā
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 46 in upajāti
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 63 in upendravajrā
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 66 in śālinī
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 79 in vaṃśastha
Bhartṛhari, Śatakatraya 81 in indravajrā
Kālidāsa, Kumārasaṃbhava (1.1-3, 12 etc.) in upajāti (1.1 mb)
Kālidāsa, Meghadūta 1.1-3, 5-7 in mandākrāntā (2.5 mb)
Kālidāsa, Raghuvaṃśa 1.1-5, 8-10 in śloka (1.4 mb)
“Various stanzas in rare meters” (1.6 mb)
others selections (including the anecdotes) to come
Note on the Śatakatraya: The text and numbering of stanzas reflect that of the edition of D. D. Kosambi (Bombay, 1948). A pleasing translation of this version of the text is found in Bhartrihari: Poems, translated by Barbara Stoler Miller (Columbia University Press, 1967). I obtained this recording from Barbara Miller, who made it, so far as I know.
Further Popular Sanskrit Meters Recited by Vidvan H. V. Nagaraja Rao, edited by Nathan Levine.
Keylayout for Indic transliteration on Mac
Customized to provide keystrokes for precomposed characters needed for Vedic and Classical Sanskrit, Gandhari, Dravidian languages, and Old Javanese; dead keys for adding common diacritical marks are available in the ctrl + alt table. EasyUnicode’s full set of combining diacritical marks are still available.
LubinEasyUnicode keylayout for Mac
LubinEasyUnicode keymap
Veda Recitation sound files
Gateway for India: Vedapārāyana audio recordings of the four Vedas
“The Four Vedas” (Frits Staal, Folkways recording) (samples and purchase information)